RECOGNIZED ASCA MODEL PROGRAM (RAMP) A designation awarded to individual schools by the American School Counselor Association
Drive your school counseling program to the next level. Show your administrators, school board and the community at large that you're committed to delivering a comprehensive, data-driven school counseling program. Apply for the Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) designation from the American School Counselor Association. The RAMP application process should be the culmination of the implementation of a comprehensive school counseling program. Once your school has a program in place, you will need at least one entire academic year to collect the data and information needed to fulfill the RAMP application requirements. RAMP:
RAMP Benefits
Application Process
Oklahoma RAMP Recipients:
Will Rogers Elementary in Shawnee is Oklahoma's first RAMP! Counselor Rebecca Barry earned the distinction in 2009 and then earned it again in 2013 & 2017!